Osteoarthritis of the Knee
● This is Idiopathic and forms 50% of the O.A of the hip.
● In this variety, the exact cause is not known and the causative factors suspected are increased anteversion and trabecular microfracture causing stiffening of the subcondral bone.
● Incongruity of the articular surface: ( eg. Trauma, CDH, slipped epiphanies).
● Instability of the hip: (e.g subluxation )
● Concentration of pressure load:( e.g. coxa vara, anteversion).
● Direct injury:( e.g infection, trauma etc.)
● Constitutional causes:( e. g. Obesity , hyperthyroidism etc.)
● Bone diseases like( AVN( avascular necrosis) , Rheumatoid arthritis etc.)
● Older age
● Obesity
● Genetics
● Repetitive stress & mechanical overload
● High impact sports(e.g. foot ball,hand ball, hockey,weight _ lifting,long _ distance running).
● Changes in articular cartilage.
● Synovial is thick and congested .
● The subchondral bone shows sclerosis & cyst formation.
● The capsule is thick and fibrosis.
● New bone growth results in osteophyte formation in areas not under pressure.
Osteoarthritis of Other Regions:
● It is usually seen in the elderly age group and the patient presents with low backache.
● Osteophytes may compress the nerve roots at their exit at the intervertebral formed and may cause neurological disturbances.
● O.A may affect the peripheral joint of the hand & foot.it may cause ankylosis at an increased rate in these joints.